Star Wars The Force And The Fury

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  1. Star Wars: The Force And The Fury (2017
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Star Wars fan film: A Jedi crash lands on a barren planet and is pursued by a mysterious Sith who seems to know him. Directed by: Jason Satterlund Cinematography by: Federico Verardi Produced by: Alyssa Roehrenbeck & Deborah Smith Storyboards by: AJ Juson Starring: Aris Juson (


Deborah Smith ( http://www.theforceandthefury.comhttp://www.jasonsatterlund.comhttp://www.federicoverardi.com

Watch star wars: the force and the fury watch32 123movies free online on website Night mode 123Movies - Watch Movies Online For Free - Star Wars: The Force And The Fury‘s plot synopsis: “A Jedi crash lands on a barren planet and is pursued by a mysterious Sith who seems to know him.” Star Wars: The Force And The Fury Poster. Force rage, also known as Dark rage, Force Enrage or Force Fury, was a dark. In Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Starkiller is able to tap in to this power in.

'I must tip my hat to the extremely talented and resourceful team over at Big Puddle Films for producing such a stellar short film titled Star Wars: The Force and the Fury.' - The Mary Sue 'In a sea of mediocre fan films, Satterlund’s latest project stands out from the rest for what it does right. It is filled with high-quality production design, excellent cinematography, great fight choreography and impressive music that hits the Star Wars tone.' - Stand By 4 Story 'I recommend the Force and The Fury. It is a wonderfully executed thriller and is a great addition to the fanfilm community. ' - The Snark Side of The Force 'The film is a strong addition to films that embrace representation, with Smith’s powerful and nuanced portrayal of a female Sith. Satterlund created a character that turns common Star Wars rules on its head by making the villain a female, something that has only been done previously on a small scale.' - Black Girl Nerds


AuthorAaron Allston
Cover artistJason Felix
CountryUnited States
SeriesLegacy of the Force
Canon C
SubjectStar Wars
GenreScience fiction
PublisherDel Rey
November 27, 2007
Media typePaperback
Preceded byInferno
Followed byRevelation

Fury is the seventh book in the Legacy of the Force series. It is a paperback by Aaron Allston and was released on November 27, 2007. It was #4 on the New York Times Best Seller list.[1]

Star Wars: The Force And The Fury (2017

  • 2Dramatis Personae

Plot summary[edit]

The force imdb

After the Hapans, led by Tenel Ka, decide to leave the Galactic Alliance, Jacen Solo, now calling himself Darth Caedus devises a plan and kidnaps his daughter by Tenel Ka, Allana, to force the Hapan Queen to continue supporting the government. Meanwhile, a Jedi strike team, led by Jedi MasterKyle Katarn, tries to take on Caedus on Coruscant, but Caedus prevails with the help of some guards, ending with the decapitation of Mithric, a Fallen Jedi. However, the team successfully places a tracking beacon on Caedus.

Later, the team of Han, Leia, Jaina, Jag and Zekk slips aboard the Anakin Solo to get information on Dark Jedi Alema Rar, and with it they track her down to Lumiya's asteroid home and kill her with Jag's Mandalorian crushgauntlets. Also, Zekk sets Ship free with the use of the dark side of the Force, and Jaina helps him back to the light side afterwards. Caedus also decides to tell Allana that he is her father after she discovered that he kidnapped her rather than legitimately taking care of her.

The climax begins with the Jedi interfering in the midst of a battle between the Galactic Alliance and the Confederation over Centerpoint Station in the Corellian system. A Jedi team, led by Kyp Durron with Valin Horn and Jaden Korr, sneaks aboard Centerpoint Station in an attempt to destroy it. The Jedi team rescues Allana from Caedus (using Luke, Ben and Saba Sebatyne as a distraction). Leia tries to get Caedus to return to the light side, but Caedus refuses. After escaping from Caedus, Kyp and the others have a code installed set to destroy Centerpoint Station in order to prevent anybody else from using it again.

Han, Leia, Luke, Ben, and Saba make it back to the Millennium Falcon, being piloted by Jag and Kyle who rescue them. As they escape, Centerpoint Station explodes due to sabotage, taking with it much of the Corellian Fleets, Commenorian Fleets, and the GA Fifth Fleet. Kyle remarks that the destruction of Centerpoint station left a void in the Force.

Star Wars The Force And The Fury

The story ends with the revelation of Allana's parentage to Han and Leia. Jaina then hints to Jag that she is going to seek out Boba Fett in order to learn some skills for the final showdown between her and Caedus.

Dramatis Personae[edit]

  • Alema Rar; Jedi Knight (Twi'lek female)
  • Allana; Hapan princess (human female)
  • Ben Skywalker; Jedi Apprentice (human male)
  • Denjax Teppler; Corellian Minister of Information (human male)
  • Genna Delpin; Supreme Commander of the Corellian Armed Forces (human female)
  • Han Solo; pilot and firefighter (human male)
  • Jacen Solo/Darth Caedus; Sith Lord, joint Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance (human male)
  • Jagged Fel; pilot and hunter (human male)
  • Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)
  • Koyan Sadras; Corellian Five Worlds Prime Minister (human female)
  • Kyle Katarn; Jedi Master, Jedi Battlemaster (human male)
  • Kyp Durron; Jedi Master (human male)
  • Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)
  • Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master (human male)
  • Syal Antilles; pilot (human female)
  • Tenel Ka; Hapan Queen Mother (human female)
  • Toval Seyah; Galactic Alliance scientist-spy (human male)
  • Tycho Celchu; military analyst (human male)
  • Valin Horn; Jedi Knight (human male)
  • Wedge Antilles; pilot (human male)
  • Zekk; Jedi Knight (human male)

Other formats[edit]

The book was also available in the audiobook and E-Book formats.[2]

Star Wars The Force And The Fury Reddit

Abridged Compact DiscRead by Marc ThompsonOn Sale: November 27, 2007ISBN978-0-7393-2400-4Published by: Random House Audio

Abridged Audiobook DownloadRead by Marc ThompsonOn Sale: November 27, 2007ISBN978-0-7393-5695-1

Cast Of Star Wars

E-BookOn Sale: April 29, 2008ISBN978-0-345-51054-9Published by: LucasBooks


Fury reached 3 on the New York Times bestseller list on December 16, 2007.[3]


  1. ^[1]
  2. ^'Fury: Star Wars (Legacy of the Force) by Aaron Allston - Book - eBook - Audiobook'. Retrieved August 20, 2012.
  3. ^'Paperback Best Sellers: Fiction: Mass-Market: Sunday, December 16th 2007'. New York Times. December 16, 2007. Retrieved April 1, 2015.
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