Though Fallout 4 will let you fiddle with all manner of aspects of your character’s visage, creating your very own post-apocalyptic mumsona or dadatar, the words coming out their mouths always sound the same. That can change with the Player Voice Frequency Slider mod by “CDante”, which adds options to fiddle with the pitch of your character’s avatar and make them sound different. Obviously it’s not as good as having lines recorded with wholly different voices–such as the delightful mockney accent option of Saints Row–but it seems to allow some decent variety in personality. It’s pretty good too; listen to this teenager.
That’s not bad for simple frequency-fuddling! Obviously the voices get sillier as you move to the extremes, up into the realms of The Chipmunks or down to yer da after his traditional Christmas morning pint of sherry. But with moderation, you’ll get to personalise your post-apocalpeople a little more.
Hello, my name is Ian. Well, I was just wondering if there's a way to change the size of the enemy. I've looked everywhere but can't find anything. I have this awesome idea for a video recording and my plan was to make a giant sentry bot. Is there any command that can make this possible. Nexus removed character, so I moved it to immersion because it is not a save game. And it is more immersive. Because of changing the height of the player (shorter) only base game req. KEEP THIS LAST ON YOUR LOAD LIST and I want to thank everyone that has indorsed my mod and for giving it a go.
The mod comes with four presets–Teenager, Young Adult, Heavy Smoker, and Very Deep–but you can also adjust it yourself in little steps.
Download CDante’s Player Voice Frequency Slider mod from Nexus Mods. It needs the Fallout 4 Script Extender to run, and you might also want to use the Mod Configuration Menu for a simpler and snazzier way to tweak the voice.
God, I do miss that mockney.
We've had Body mods for Fallout 4 for both male and female players for a while now, but one thing I could just never wrap my head around was the lack of any variation in the Commonwealth when it came to character height.
I'm aware that some people have been using the setscale command to shrink or enlarge characters, but that just looks wrong to me: when someone gets taller they don't necessarily scale up.
As for the actual request, if someone could implement a way (through BodySlide would be particularly helpful) of adjusting the meshes of characters to be able to have height variation, that would be greatly appreciated