Undertale Make Your Own Battle

Posted on  by  admin

This is a page that can be used to easily create
Undertale attacks for your RPG Maker MV game.
Before you do anything, be sure to download my
Undertale Battle System Plugin for RPG Maker MV
to add the Undertale Battle System to your game.
After doing that, you can use this to help with creating the
attacks instead of being forced to use the awkward noteboxes.
Please enjoy!
- SumRndmDde
SumRndmDde's YouTube Channel
SumRndmDde's Patreon

Initial Position:
Use these to set the initial position of the attack.
Remember! The coordinates (0, 0) are in the top-left of the screen.
As X gets bigger, it goes from right to left.
As Y gets bigger, it goes from up to down.
box.left is the X postition of the left-side of the battle box.
box.right is the X postition of the right-side of the battle box.
box.top is the Y postition of the top of the battle box.
box.bottom is the Y postition of the bottom of the battle box.
box.width is the width of the battle box.
box.height is the height of the battle box.
Initial X:

Initial Y:

Use this to set the movement of the attack.
All of these are JavaScript evaluations.
Starting X Speed:
The initial evaluation for the speed that is added to the X every frame.

Starting Y Speed:
The initial evaluation for the speed that is added to the Y every frame.

Starting X Acceleration:
The initial evaluation for the speed that is added to the X Speed every frame.

Starting Y Acceleration:
The initial evaluation for the speed that is added to the Y Speed every frame.

Use this to customize the collision of the attack.
Collision Type:
The width of the collision box.

The height of the collision box.

Undertale Make Your Own Battle Movie


Kongregate free online game Battle Creator - Create your own enemy. And then battle it. Play Battle Creator. An accurate, yet highly customizable, Undertale Text Box Generator. Create your own Undertale text boxes with any character, expression and text!

Use this to customize how the attacks look.
The image file name of the attack.
(Stored in /img/SumRndmDde/utb)

The color of the attack is an image is not used.
Input 'random' for a random color.

Use this to customize the spawn rate of the attacks.
Spawn Rate:
The interval in terms of frames that the attack is created.

Spawn Delay:
A delay in frames before the attack starts spawning.

Delete Distance:
(Requires UTB Beta 1.20+)
The distance outside of the screen the attack must go to be deleted.

Direct Code:
Use this to customize JavaScript code that is called every frame.
Avaliable Variables:
this.x - X Position
this.y - Y Position
this.width - Width
this.height - Height
this.radius - Radius
this.xspeed - X Speed
this.yspeed - Y Speed
this.xaccel - X Acceleration
this.yaccel - Y Acceleration
frame is the number of frames the attack has existed for
second is the number of seconds the attack has existed for
box.left is the X postition of the left-side of the battle box.
box.right is the X postition of the right-side of the battle box.
box.top is the Y postition of the top of the battle box.
box.bottom is the Y postition of the bottom of the battle box.
box.width is the width of the battle box.
box.height is the height of the battle box.

Undertale Make Your Own Battle


[Version 1.02]
Added Speed and Acceleration
Removed Static Speed, Dynamic Speed, and Set
[Version 1.01]
Added 'Delete Distance' Input
[Version 1.00]
UTB Attack Creator Created!

Found an error?
Wish to request something?
Please visit me on my YouTube Channel!

Sans Fight Creator

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  • Have you ever wanted to make a battle like in undertale? well, you got few options, you can make every part of it by yourself somehow, or use unitale, but both of them require knowledge about coding, how about a creator that allowes you to make battles without coding?, it will be a kids-play, you'll be able to fill the data necessary without hard work(maybe), since you'll be able to control the monsters/attacks/player data and add as much sprites/sounds you want without sweat, and for specialty, the biggest thing to replace the coding is an advanced hyper-link connectors, so you'll be able to control with it the fight, the monsters, the player/soul, and more(?).


    1. new battle button - V

    2. load battle button - VX

    3. save battle button - VX

    4. test battle button - VX

    5. menu - V

    6. monsters - VX

    6.1. add new monster - VX

    6.2. ..

    7. attacks - X

    7.1. add new attack - X

    7.2. ..

    8. sprites - X

    8.1. add new sprite - X

    8.2. ..

    9. sounds - X

    9.1. add new sound - X

    9.2. ..

    10. player - VX

    10.1. name - V

    10.2.lv - V

    10.3.soul - V

    10.4.weapon + atk - V

    10.5.armor + def - V

    10.6.items + type + value - V

    10.7.right click options - X

    11. help - VX

    11.1.search - VX

    11.2. info - X Micro sd card not detected windows 7.

    13. Mobile test - X

    14. toby's copyrights - V

    15. logo - V

    16. battle name - VX

    17. icon - V

    18. coding encounter - X

    19. Forums - X

    20. ..


    Stay tuned for changes in the progress!!!

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    • i forgot about it long ago, oops, maybe i'll do it again

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