Fallout 4 Achievements. Primary the achievements are given to the Xbox only. By unlocking the achievement the player will be getting the gamer score. Mods do not unlock the achievements. So the players need to be pay extra attention to get achievements and trophy’s in each level. Trophies came into extensions by play station 3. Achievements are disables while using mods, you can get a mod that activates them again I looked at that mod. It's here at Nexus: Achievement mod www.nexusmods.com It says you have to use F4SE to use it and, forgive me if this is a seriously noobile question, but what is F4SE and where do you get it. See Fallout 4 on the Xbox Store. Note: Achievements are disabled while mods are active. Cheat Menu Ultimate Holotape Menu. The Unofficial Patch. Improved Maps and Visible Roads. Full Dialogue Interface. Green in the Commonwealth. Stronger Workshop Defenses.
What is this?
It's a plugin I made that re-enables achievements while using mods by patching Fallout4.exe or SkyrimSE.exe during runtime.It's designed to be version independent.It also works on already modded saves!
How to install
How to uninstall
AchievementsModsEnabler.ini located in DataPluginsSumwunn contains these options:
How do I know if it's working?
You'll get no achievement warnings, and the [M] will won't appear in the saves menu (already modded saves will need to be re-saved for [M] to disappear), alternatively you can check the log just to be sure.
After you've started Skyrim SE (you can alt-tab for this part), go to DataPluginsSumwunn (for SKSE64: DataSKSEPlugins), there's a log file called: AchievementsModsEnabler.log
It will either say 'YES' or 'NO'. Indicating whether or not the plugin successfully patched game. So if it says NO, lemme know!
Will it need updating?
Probably not! I've designed this to be version independent.However in the case that it does, I will have it fixed very quickly.Below is a list of Fallout 4 & Skyrim SE versions that have been tested and working.
Fallout 4 tested & working versions: w/
Skyrim SE tested & working versions w/
Fallout 4: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15639/?
Skyrim SE: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/245/?
Compile Notes
Bethesda for Fallout 4. (https://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/)
Bethesda for Skyrim SE. (http://store.steampowered.com/app/489830/)
Microsoft for Visual Studio. (https://www.visualstudio.com/)
The UASM devs. (https://github.com/Terraspace/UASM)