The pineal gland is a small, pinecone shaped gland of the endocrine system. A structure of the diencephalon of the brain, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin. Melatonin influences sexual development and sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland is composed of cells called pinealocytes and cells of the nervous system called glial cells. The pineal gland connects the endocrine system with the nervous system in that it converts nerve signals from the sympathetic system of the peripheral nervous system into hormone signals. Over time, calcium deposits build-up in the pineal and its accumulation can lead to calcification in the elderly.
Oct 13, 2016 The LM3886 is one of the most highly regarded audio chip amplifiers in the DIY community. The reason for its popularity is due to its very low distortion, minimal external components, and low cost. With the right layout and component selection, you can build an excellent sounding Hi-Fi audio amplifier that will rival high-end amps retailing for several thousand dollars or more. LM3886 Gain Clone Amplifier DIY. However power IC's like the LM3886 have made improvements and audio DIY builders started to build clones of the original gaincard which resulted in the term gainclone. The gainclone is one of the easiest amplifiers you can. A Gainclone in the other hand refers to any DIY amplifier that uses a LM3875/ LM3886 as it's main component. What's So Special About It? The gainclone only uses small amounts of space, it's built with a minimal supply of components, yet giving a great HiFi result. LM3886 Gainclone Amplifier Chip Amp Circuit Diagram Another frequent change was the elimination of “Zobel” network with the output of the LM3886 amplifier, because it “sounded bad.” After a couple of people have burned some expensive speakers, they come to realize that the network is for the dead and the speakers sound much worse than the Zobel networks, so these days most people use the network. Diy gainclone lm3886. Apr 29, 2015 Chipamp Dual Mono LM3886 Gainclone Speaker Amp. Since the amp is dual mono, it gets not one, but two chunky toroids. The transformers are always what weigh down an amp (big magnets with large quantities of copper wire spun around them aren't the lightest of materials). The pair, with steel cases, weigh in at a healthy 22 pounds.
The Meaning of the Pineal Gland The pineal gland, a pine-cone shaped gland of the endocrine system, is a highly essential part of the brain necessary to our survival. It is often associated with the third eye or the Ajna chakra, when activated, leads one to higher realms of consciousness.
The pineal gland is involved in several functions of the body including:
Directionally the pineal gland is situated between the cerebral hemispheres and attached to the third ventricle. It is located in the center of the brain.
Melatonin is produced within the pineal gland and synthesized from the neurotransmitter serotonin. It is secreted into cerbrospinal fluid of the third ventricle and is directed from there into the blood. Upon entering the bloodstream, melatonin can be circulated throughout the body. Melatonin is also produced by other body cells and organs including retinal cells, white blood cells, gonads, and skin.
Melatonin production is vital to the regulation of sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythm) and its production is determined by light and dark detection. The retina sends signals about light and dark detection to an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. These signals are eventually relayed to the pineal gland. The more light detected, the less melatonin produced and released into the blood. Melatonin levels are at their highest during the night and this promotes changes in the body that help us to sleep. Low levels of melatonin during daylight hours help us to stay awake. Melatonin has been used in the treatment of sleep related disorders including jet lag and shift-work sleep disorder. In both of these cases, a person's circadian rhythm is disrupted either due to travel across multiple time zones or due to working night shifts or rotating shifts. Melatonin has also been used in the treatment of insomnia and depressive disorder.
Melatonin influences the development of reproductive system structures as well. It inhibits the release of certain reproductive hormones from the pituitary gland that affect male and female reproductive organs. These pituitary hormones, known as gonadotropins, stimulate gonads to release sex hormones. Melatonin therefore regulates sexual development. In animals, melatonin plays a role in regulating mating seasons.
Should the pineal gland begin to function abnormally, a number of problems may result. If the pineal gland is not able to produce sufficient amounts of melatonin, a person could experience insomnia, anxiety, low thyroid hormone production (hypothyroidism), menopause symptoms, or intestinal hyperactivity. If the pineal gland produces too much melatonin, a person could experience low blood pressure, abnormal function of the adrenal and thyroid glands, or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a depressive disorder that some individuals experience during the winter months, when sunlight is minimal.