Go to your Kaspersky Security Center SERVER; Click Managed Computers. I re-install Kapsersky security center 10 and all client computers lost connection with kaspersky security center when i scan just it show the client not install antivirus and agent, how to solve this issue anyone knows. Command Line Script To Add or Delete a Registry. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Dec 22, 2014 Here is my version of KSC 10 Kaspersky Security Center Version 10.1.249 So I went to managed computers - task - update kes10 - properties - update setting for local mode settings - I unckecked Kaspersky Lab update servers. Then I re-run task update for workstation. It seems some of the KES are now getting updated.
Check the license on KSC10 must be have advanced or total;
Kaspersky Security 10
Download :http://www.microsoft.com/pt-br/download/details.aspx?id=5753
From client host, copy folder drives: C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository
Install agent on machine that you want collect the image
Create share folder, for every one permission read and write.
On console do:
Configure PXE feature on console KSC10, define the server KSC10 with this feature:
Access console;
Remote installation ;
Deploying computer images;
Manage the list of PXE servers in the network.
Select the server will have server KSC10 installed;
Configure driver set for Windows Preinstallation Enviromment (WINPE):
Access console;
Remote installation ;
Deploying computer images;
Click on option; Configure driver set for Windows Preinstallation Enviromment (WINPE);
Add, Add
Kaspersky Security Center 10 Help
Display name, add the name of machine that you want collect the image;
Select a driver dristribution folder, add the folder C:WindowsSystem32DriverStoreFileRepository of you machine client that you want collected the image.
Create task to collected image of host client;
Acess console;
Administration task;
Create a new task and set a name;
Select the option: Create installation package based on the OS image of the reference computer;
Installation package name: put the name os machine client;
Computer form which the os image will be taken
Unselect the option: Create backup copy the computer state;
Shared folder for storing the image: add the path to safe the image;
Add account with rights to share folder;
next option;
Set restart computer;
Add a user with rights permission on machine;
Set manually the task, start the task and wait.
Obs.: May be you will have this erros:
Remove the software incompatible that stay using this file and try again.